Acne is more than just a skin problem—it’s a complex condition with multiple triggers.


Acne can be frustrating because it’s not just about your skincare routine. Understanding the causes is the first step to managing it effectively.


Hormones Are the Main Culprit

Hormonal changes, especially during puberty, are a major cause of acne. And it’s not just teens—adults can experience hormonal acne too. Ever notice breakouts around your period or during times of stress? That’s your hormones at work, triggering excess oil production and clogged pores.


Diet Plays a Role

You are what you eat, right? Foods high in sugar and dairy can exacerbate acne. Research shows that diets rich in processed foods lead to more breakouts. Consider cutting back on these triggers to see a real difference in your skin.


Stress Makes It Worse

Stress doesn’t just mess with your mind; it wreaks havoc on your skin too. When you’re stressed, your body releases cortisol, which can cause flare-ups. Finding ways to manage stress—whether it’s through exercise, meditation, or even just taking a break—can help keep your skin clear.


Poor Skincare Habits

Using the wrong products can make acne worse. Harsh cleansers, over-exfoliation, and skipping moisturizer can strip your skin of its natural oils, leading to irritation and more breakouts. Stick to gentle, non-comedogenic products to avoid making the problem worse.


Genetics Might Be to Blame

Sometimes, it’s just in your DNA. If your parents had acne, chances are you might too. While you can’t change your genes, you can manage your skincare routine to minimize the effects.


Understanding what causes acne is the first step in treating it. At Advanced SkinCare Fresno, we believe that with the right knowledge and approach, clear skin is achievable for everyone.