Chemical peels
Advanced Skin Care the right peel type for your skin
What is a Chemical peel?
Make your skin look fresh with our Chemical Peel service. It’s a special skin care treatment where a safe solution is applied to your skin. This solution helps take off the top layer of old skin, so the newer, nicer skin underneath can show.
Chemical Peels aren’t just about getting rid of the old skin. It also helps your skin grow new, healthy cells. So, your skin doesn’t just look better on the outside, it actually gets healthier.
If you have small wrinkles, sun spots, or uneven skin color, this treatment can make them less noticeable. Your skin will look smoother and younger.
What are the different types of peels?
- Progressive Peels (mild flaking)
- Mid- depth Peels ( Heavy Flaking to Heavy Peeling)
- Deep Peels ( Heavy peeling to Light Scabbing)
Why Dermatologists recommend chemical peels:
Chemical peels are superficial,affecting the top layer of skin. These peels are superficial and help smooth out the top layer, while providing benefits to the deeper layers of the skin. These superficial “wounds” will strengthen and build collagen and elastin ( the substance that tightens your skin).
Chemical peels carry a low risk of side effects and are safe for most people.
What can you expect from the results of a chemical peel?
A single treatment is going to deliver great results in texture and tightening the skin. The comment I hear the most is ‘ Wow my skin looks so tight and glows”. This treatment will superficially remove the top layer of skin and will brighten and tone.
However, if you have scarring from previous acne lesions, it may take a few peels to smooth out the scarring.

Hyperpigmentation and chemical peels:
Those stubborn brown spots….will they ever go away?
Brown spots , also known as hyperpigmentation occur in almost all skin types. The pigment is caused by the sun. The treatment required to manage the pigment depends on how long the pigment has been there.
Hyperpigmentation can be managed by:
1. Wearing a physical block sunscreen daily
2. Using Brightening products to help with the discoloration
3. Avoid picking the skin
What is the difference between a peel and a laser treatment?
Our Chemical peels are designed to be an option for Laser resurfacing. Lasers penetrate the skin deeper than a chemical peel. Both will cause exfoliation. For lighter scarring, uneven pigmentation and fine lines, a chemical peel is your best option.
What Peel is best for you?
There are many peel treatments available for your particular skin care needs.
We are highly trained Clinical Estheticians that will do a thorough consultation, before choosing which peel is best for you. We have over 20 years experience in the art of skin peeling and will recommend the best treatment for you.

Will a Chemical Peel hurt? (what can I expect from my chemical peel?)
Progressive Chemical peels will sting slightly. Mid-depth to deep peels will feel hot and sting, but are neutralized very quickly.
What conditions does a chemical peel treat?
- Uneven skin tone
- Fine lines and wrinkles
- Acne and acne scarring
- Freckles
- Dry, dehydrated skin
Are the “chemicals” used in a peel dangerous?
The products we use in our peels are not dangerous.
How long does it take to peel?
- Progressive Peels- Flaking for 3-5 days
- Mid- depth Peels – Peeling for 7 days
- Deep Peel – Peeling for 7-10 days
Can I go out to dinner (out in public) after my peel?
Right after your peel your skin will be slightly red and may have a product that you will leave on overnight.
What results can I expect from a peel?
Depending on what Peel you choose, your skin will glow and look renewed.
Why should you trust Advanced Skincare with your peel?
We have advanced training in the art of Chemical Peels,
15 years experience, and have had advanced Medical training with local Physicians
Who is an ideal peel candidate? (age, condition, skin color/ ethnicity)
Not all people are good candidates for chemical peels.
A full skin consultation is a must to determine if you are a good candidate.
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